O.N.R.C. Services
Set up : S.R.L. S.A., S.N.C., S.C.S
- Reservation of the nameSelection of the objects of activity
- Drafting of the Memorandum of Association
- Drafting of the loan or lease contract for the registered office / secondary office
- Completion of specific forms
- Personalised consultancy
- Filing / collection of documents at / from the Trade Register
- Obtaining the ANAF Tax Registration Certificate (RO)
- Hiring an expert accountant - Assistance in opening a bank account (foreign citizens)
Setting up:
Authorised natural person (P.F.A.)
Sole proprietorship (I.I.)
Family enterprise (I.F.)
- Reservation of the name
- Selection of the objects of activity
- Drawing up of the loan or lease contract for the professional / secondary premises
- Completion of specific forms
- Personalised consultancy
- Filing documents with the Commercial Register
- Collection of documents from the Commercial Register
Set up
Agricultural co-operative
- Reservation of the nameSelection of the objects of activity
- Drafting of the Memorandum and Articles of Association
- Drafting of the loan or lease contract for the registered office / secondary office
- Completion of specific forms - Personalised consultancy
- Filing / collection of documents at / from the Trade Register
- Obtaining the ANAF Tax Registration Certificate (RO)
- Hiring an expert accountant
- Assistance in opening a bank account (foreign citizens)
Amendments: S.R.L., S.A., S.N.C., S.C.S Agricultural co-operatives
Drafting of documents, filling in specific forms, personalised consultancy as well as filing and collecting documents at the O.R.C. / ANAF for the following changes:
- Transfer of shares
- Change of registered office
- Revocation / appointment of administrator
- Change of name
- Change of main object of activity
- Completion of secondary object of activity
- Activation / authorisation of CAEN codes
- Opening / closing of work point, branches, subsidiaries
- Extension of validity of registered office / secondary office
- Increase / decrease of share capital
- Suspension / resumption of activity
- Duplicate Registration Certificate
- Change of legal form
- Merger - Division
Changes P.F.A. / Î.I. / I.F.
Drafting of documents, completion of specific forms, personalised consultancy, as well as filing and collection of documents at the O.R.C. for the following changes:
- Change of registered office
- Change of main object of activity
- Completion of secondary object of activity
- Activation / authorisation of CAEN codes
- Opening / closing
- Extension of validity of professional establishment / secondary establishment
- Suspension / resumption of activity
- Duplicate Registration Certificate
- Change of legal form
Company deletion:
S.R.L., S.A., S.N.C., S.C.S
- Drafting of the Decision of the partner / sole shareholder, A.G.A. Decision
- Publication in the Official Gazette
- Drafting of the Liquidation Report
- Completion of specific forms
- Filing of documents with the Trade Register
- Collection of documents from the Trade Register
O.N.G. Services
Founding :
Association / Foundation
- Reservation of the name
- Drafting of the Articles of Association
- Drafting of the loan or lease agreement for the registered office / secondary office
- Personalised consultancy
- Obtaining Criminal and tax records
- Filing / collection of documents at / from the Court
- Obtaining the ANAF Tax Registration Certificate (RO)
- Hiring an expert accountant
Association / Foundation
Drafting of documents, filling in specific forms, personalised consultancy as well as filing and collection of documents at the Court / ANAF for the following changes:
- Entry / exit of associate members
- Change of registered office
- Revocation / appointment of board of directors
- Change of name
- Change / addition of purpose and objectives
- Extension of validity of registered office / secondary office
C.N.P.P. Services
Cross-borderv detachement: Form A1
If you wish to post employees across borders to the territory of another EU / E.E.U. / E.E.S. Member State, within the framework of a provision of services, you must obtain the European Form A1 from the National Public Pension House. Naturally, this form is issued under certain conditions imposed by the legislation in force.
Our company has been acting as an intermediary in obtaining this form since 2007, when Romania joined the European Union.
For more details, please contact us by email, whatsup, telephone.
Services: I.G.I. / Embassy
Work Permits
Residence Permits
Family Reunification
Embassy Visas
In order to hire non-EU citizens, Romanian companies must obtain specific documents from the General Inspectorate for Immigration and then the foreigner must obtain a work visa from the Romanian Embassy in the country of origin. Also, if you want to obtain or extend a residence permit or family reunification for a foreign citizen, a strict and complex procedure must be followed. All these steps are successfully handled by our company.
O.S.I.M. Services
Registered trade mark
In order to protect your company's image and to ensure that no one can use your name, logo or slogan without your consent, it is imperative that you register your trade mark with O.S.I.M. We help you through this complex process by providing professional advice, checking the availability of your trade mark, drafting the necessary documentation and representing you before the institutions. So you can concentrate on growing your business, while we take care of protecting the identity of your brand, avoiding potential litigation and confusion in the marketplace.
A.N.A.F. Services
VAT Registration Certificate (RO)
Intracommunity VAT Code
Tax Registration Certificate
Tax Record
S.P.V. account creation.
We organise the obtaining of the various documents issued by the A.N.A.F., according to your needs, such as tax certificates, tax forms, income statements, tax returns or documents concerning social security contributions. We take care of the entire process, from filing applications to collecting the documents, saving you time and eliminating the stress of interacting with the authorities.
Services: operating authorisations
Authorisation from the town hall
Authorisation A.N.P.C.
Authorisation D.S.V.S.S.A. food safety
Authorisation A.P.M.
Sports Identity Certificate
Temporary employment agent authorisation
Other necessary authorisations
Depending on your company's field of activity, our company can help you obtain the various authorisations required by the legislation in force.